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Talking to Your Problem

Writer's picture: NeurocomNeurocom

Sérgio Spritzer, junho de 2022 Summary:

1. Have you talked about your problem today?

2. Mental positions oscillate with each other. Focus.

3. Now is the time to visually observe the problem.

4. The third position: is that of the coach or the fan.

5. We are now accessing the fourth dimension.

6. The movements of Thinking. The Mental Flow.

1. Have you talked about your problem today?

Pay attention to how the problem manifests itself as a felt phenomenon and not yet as a seen or heard phenomenon. At first, that's right, feel. It's in an interoceptive way, examining an experience felt inside, viscerally, as if you were feeling discomfort inside your body, after a heavy meal, a headache, or something like that. It can be a kind of malaise, discomfort, a feeling of being locked inside, stuck in life, guilty, or hostile.

Anyway, it's a way of feeling. Pay attention if the way of feeling comes with an internal chatter like: “What crap! I don't deserve X”, “he/she is a bastard”, “so-and-so should…X”. Stop that kind of internal chatter, the pre-judgments.

2. Mental positions oscillate with each other. Focus.

Realize how your mind will need to go back and forth from the associated position oscillating between hearing and seeing what you feel, to “getting”, and capturing, the way it appears. It is a mental experience analogous to the physical experience of walking and feeling something uncomfortable in your foot.

He still doesn't know what it is, but he knows there's something wrong there. And it is not a value judgment but a lived experience. Guilt is indeed a value judgment, but as an experience, it is a lived phenomenon, whatever its interpretation. If you focus on experience mode, you'll examine it. If not, you will fall into an internal chatter without direction or sense. This just makes things worse and serves to examine nothing.

With the experience in hand, really as if you were holding it, now notice the tactile, kinesthetic qualities of the thermal sensation, of weight, volume, humidity, texture, even as if you were with your eyes closed, to the “physical” qualities of the problem that “ have in hand”. Ponder, that is, feel the weight of what you have in your hands, notice the warmth, the affinity to the touch (smooth/rough texture, humidity/dryness), etc. Take your time to build up a good idea of ​​the problem with these qualities.

Some find it easy to examine the odors and tastes of the problem. This will allow you to assess the extent to which such qualities of his will help you to assess or hinder you on this journey. Some problems smell bad and trigger a flight reaction from the examiner. If so, it's not worth it, because the interest is in the exam and not in moving away from it to the point of not realizing what's going on, assess the degree of distancing when examining with these senses, as a chef proves the taste and smell of food to see if it is good.

At that moment the examiner becomes aware of how the analogies between the qualities of the physical and mental plane happen by chance.

Notice how you, or someone you are helping to examine the experience, are moving subtly from the internal and associated experience examining form into the second position examining still with the physical senses as if you are groping and feeling the weight, volume, shape, temperature, texture, etc. of the problem, now through the hands and no longer inside the body.

When satisfied, impulses will appear to go to visual mode, and a voice saying: how do I see this? Suspend your curiosity and release it only after examining with a sense of fullness the tactile kinesthetic and proprioceptive modes.

3. Now is the time to visually observe the problem.

Why not observe visually first? This is a very common methodological error when formulating a problem in our times. It is necessary to know how to feel with quality what is going on in order toto be able to observe what it is about. Too far away from the problem, we cannot define it with the proper properties, and then the solution will come out in a confused, distorted way or not even appear at all.

Putting yourself in the place of the problem and then dealing with it are the steps to later face it, in the sense of feeling capable of perceiving it head-on. But not only. Side, top, bottom, front, and back to him. Now wait so you don't float around it and, if you don't pay attention, get out of it and lose yourself floating in your thoughts. This is the fourth position, it is useful for examining the problem later; after you visualize very well how it is, now... _____________________________ Read the full text, request via email




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